Botulinum Toxin for Spasticity

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Botulinum Toxin for Spasticity


Spasticity in children can reduce their movement. If left untreated, the muscles become permanently deformed, and the child loses complete motion. Botulinum Toxin for muscle spasms can significantly reduce permanent deformation by improving functional ability and range of motion. 

At Kids Neuro Clinic, we have a team of specialized neurological physiotherapists who treat children with spasticity holistically. With expert doctors, we provide comprehensive care for children with developmental, neurological, and behavioral problems. 

What is Botulinum Toxin for cerebral palsy spasticity?

Spasticity refers to muscle stiffness caused by damage to the central nervous system. Spasticity in children occurs due to Cerebral palsy. It occurs when the brain is damaged before, during, or shortly after birth. The damage prevents the brain from communicating with the muscles.   

Botulinum Toxin injections for muscle spasms benefit children, providing them with better movement, less pain, better position of limbs and joints, improved gait, and fewer spastic movements. It’s a pain relief strategy to correct joint and muscle problems. Botulinum Toxin for spasticity can delay the surgery until your child is older and reduce the risk expected in surgery. 

How does Botulinum Toxin work?

Botulinum Toxin blocks the release of a neurotransmitter called acetylcholine. Acetylcholine is a neurotransmitter that transfers signals from nerve cells to muscle cells. Spasticity overproduces this neurotransmitter acetylcholine and leads to unwanted muscle stiffness. Applying Botulinum Toxin injection to specific muscles stops the release of acetylcholine in the targeted injection site, resulting in muscle relaxation. The Botulinum Toxin for spasticity in legs or muscle spasms relieves stiffness and ensures quick movement in affected individuals. 

Botulinum Toxin for muscle spasms - how is it administered?

Preparation for a Botulinum Toxin injection session

The Botulinum Toxin injection session starts with an in-depth discussion, and doctors carry out the necessary physical examination to identify the muscle groups. The procedure lasts 30 to 45 minutes. 

Several injections are administered in a single visit because the needle doesn’t travel far from the injection site. The injection dose and frequency depend on the individual’s condition to maximize benefits and reduce risks.

What happens post-injection?

After the Botulinum Toxin injection, individuals may not notice the difference for a few days or weeks. Once the effects take hold, there are gradual improvements, lasting for almost 2 to 3 months. Healthcare providers recommend occupational or physical therapy to improve the benefits of Botulinum Toxin treatment. Gentle stretching and light exercises can also enhance the benefits. 

What are the risks of Botulinum Toxin for spasticity?

Botulinum Toxin for Spasticity - Safe treatment only at Kids Neuro Clinic

Botulinum Toxin injections for muscle spasms relax muscles and improve movement in children. But, it would help if you had safe hands to assess your child, We at Kids Neuro Clinic analyze your child’s functional problems and provide the best treatment.

Our neurological physiotherapist will examine your child’s range of motion before and after the Botulinum Toxin injections. We will then use a range of stretches and exercises to help your child regain optimal movement.